It's a Book (and Culture) Club!

Staring procrastination in the face since earlier this morning.

Monday, February 06, 2006

"It's a Book Club" Goes to the Gym

Now, I am just not a gym person. The tromping in unison, the smells, the tendency of my face to get frighteningly red when my heart rate rises, all mean that I usually like to do my physical activity hidden from sight, on back trails or else deep in my basement. But a combination of cold weather plus emotional depression plus (technical term alert) "2 pregnancies-related jelly belly" meant that I cautiously ventured into the public gym today. I did not bring a book, or even a magazine. If I'm going to publicly humiliate myself, I might as well go one step further and do it to an internal soundtrack of Green Day.

But I did observe many people reading, which got me thinking. What is the ideal reading matter for the exercise machines? Something with easy to turn pages, something interesting enough to keep you motivated, something impressive to other exercisers? In any case, I'm pretty sure the ideal is not, as the woman in front of me seemed to think, 500 Clean Jokes and Humorous Stories: And How to Tell Them

(Note absence of Braudel-related comments here. Sigh.)


At 1:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Before I moved to a small university town where it rains constantly, I was not a gym person either (with the exception of one NYC summer when I lifted weights in the public gym at Asser Levy). So, hearty congratulations to Zil for venturing out. I much prefer to listen to an IPOD shuffle when I am on one of the machines. Since I don't own an ipod shuffle…I am often stuck reading the CNN tickertape. I don't like to read while running. I am always convinced I will fall off the treadmill. Might I encourage you to take up swimming, if your gym has a pool? I began taking adult swimming lessons, and I love them. It's like having my own personal trainer once a week.


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