It's a Book (and Culture) Club!

Staring procrastination in the face since earlier this morning.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


FW: IMG_0532.JPG
Originally uploaded by quietdomino.
It has further occured to me that I have been a bit disparaging about our new cat. This is entirely (well, mostly) unwarranted. She is sweet as can be and polydactyl to boot. I had at one point planned a long blog post about the ins and outs of cat names, and how I wanted to name this cat "Willow" so that she would pair well with our other cat Milhouse in the category of "Lovable Television Nerds," but I was overruled, and instead she is named Annie Rose, after the little sister in the excellent series of "Alfie" picture books by Shirley Hughes, and then I was going to talk about how bibliophiles love to name cats after book characters and authors, and then I got busy and forgot about it and Annie Rose snuggled her way into everyone's hearts and also threw up a lot in the process because it turns out she can't handle dry food. So, consider this that post.


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