It's a Book (and Culture) Club!

Staring procrastination in the face since earlier this morning.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

David made me post this

Bill Simmons on the National Spelling Bee:

Before I forget, now that "Two-Minute Drill" has been canceled, can't
ESPN launch a series of spelling bees with professional athletes?
Could you put a price on seeing Rickey Henderson trying to spell
"badigeon?" Or Brett Favre asking for a definition for "ceraunograph"?
They could even have Cynthia Cooper be the pronouncer. This couldn't

[This is Zil speaking. Thank you for reminding me that this is on tonight! Spellbound haunts my dreams, in a mostly good way. Freakishly good spellers are the real superheroes!]

Watching Movies at Zil's House

9:06 pm. Put in DVD of King Kong.
9:10 pm. Zil: "Is one of us going to hit play?"
9:23 pm. Peter: "I think I hear something on the baby monitor. Pause the movie."
Both: [hold finger alongside nose in universal gesture of "Not my turn to do it." Minutes pass.]
9:38 pm Zil: "I think he went back to sleep. Turn it back on."
9:45 pm Zil: "Uh-oh."
Peter: "Is he downstairs?"
OlderKid: "I need to pee! But I don't want to use my bathroom. I want to use this bathroom. Also, I want to turn on the whale light. Also, I want my toy box on the floor, not on the bed. I need a drink of water. Can I watch the movie with you guys?"
Zil: "I'll be right back. Pause the movie."
[Many minutes pass. Peter watches part of a Cardinals game.]
9:59 pm Zil [grimly]: "Turn the movie back on."
OlderKid [over baby monitor]: "I want to WATCH the MOVIE."
Both [muttered]: "Go BACK to SLEEP!"
10:14 pm [Natives appear.]
Peter: "Is this movie going to be scary?"
10:35 pm [Kong makes his first appearance.]
Zil: "So, that seems like a good stopping point."
Peter: "Yeah, I think I got the gist."

It's like being at Rosario Dawson's birthday party!